Demanding Debate on Climate and Energy Policy
New sales of petrol and diesel cars are set to be banned, and ordinary people are being priced off the road. The domestic gas boiler is due to be replaced with expensive and inferior heat pumps, requiring extensive retrofits of our homes at yet more expense. Governments, technocrats and ideologues pursue ever more intrusions into our lives, with plans to control our diets and change our behaviour. Smart meters will ration our energy use through time-of-day pricing, and will switch off our appliances at the push of a button in some far-away office. We are going to be confined to ’15 minute neighbourhoods’. Industries are moving overseas. Businesses are closing down. Prices are rising. Energy policies are failing.
All of this is necessary to protect the planet from climate change, claim advocates of green policies. But dissenting opinion has been excluded from public broadcasters, news media, and civil society. Political parties offer no differences of perspective and no choice to voters. A vast democratic deficit now exists between the public and the Net Zero agenda.
Climate and energy policy has been driven by a political, not scientific consensus. It was formed without any conversation with the public about the scientific facts, evidence, or about the consequences of such a radical change of society and the principles driving it. And it has created bloated national and global bureaucracies, stuffed full of single-minded ideologically driven technocrats who believe it is their role to design your life and lifestyle, regardless of your opinion.
This site will examine every part of the climate debate, from the science and the abuse of science, through to the policy failures that are undermining our economies and changing our lives without our consent. This will help you, to read and make up your own mind about whether green utopia is for you, or whether you would rather that democracy and debate, not shrill and empty virtue signalling about a ‘climate crisis’, drive policymaking.
How to use this site
We have a growing number of articles which can be found in a number of ways.
You can browse the articles or bytes pages. Bytes are shorter articles on a single question.
Or you can read our guide to the climate debate, which contains a clickable map of our articles.
Or you may wish to use the search box to find what you are looking for.
All of the articles on this site are intended to be works in progress. We will be adding more detail to them and keeping them up-to-date as new developments emerge.
As the site is still a new project and we are adding new articles all the time, we may not yet have what you’re looking for. If there’s something you would like us to cover, please let us know. Also, if you disagree with something we have said, or believe that an important angle is missing from one of the articles, get in touch, too.
Get involved
The intention of this site is to provide information for everyone with an interest in the climate debate. We are grateful for people sharing our work and letting us know what they think about the site and content.
We are just a small team, and the climate debate covers a huge number of subjects. If you’re able to help us produce articles or other content, we’d love to hear from you. If you have some expertise that you’d like to share but are not keen on writing, you can give us the bullet points and links, and we’ll do the rest. You may just want to give us the links to the latest developments in climate science. Contact us.