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Miliband and the design for Britain’s ruin

A red prince, blinded by ideology, deaf to criticism, glib and disingenuous, indifferent to the impacts felt by millions… Ed Miliband epitomises the political establishment’s divorce from reality and the public. Championed by Miliband, climate and energy policies have undermined the UK’s industrial capacity, agricultural production and economy. Prices are rising. Jobs are being lost. Businesses are going bust or moving overseas. And it is going to get worse…

Climate change is falling down the global political agenda. Governments across the world have realised that radical emissions-reduction policies carry huge economic, social and political costs. In Britain, however, the government has decided that its plan for “growth” is subordinate to Miliband’s desire to make the country a “clean energy superpower by 2030”. In the face of very clear evidence of policy failure such as rising prices, the government is doubling down on Miliband’s false promises of “jobs” “lower bills” and “energy security”.

Climate Debate UK are producing a full-length documentary film about the failure of the climate agenda, and we need your help.

Featuring interviews with energy analysts, economists, journalists, and historians, this film will explain in clear detail that climate and energy policies have failed because they are fundamentally at odds with reality. Irrational economic policies have been created in an attempt to overcome this problem, but these policies have also failed, creating huge expense for homes and businesses. And as has been seen elsewhere, these failures are in turn leading to political crises. With the government signalling its inability to accept and respond to criticism of its flagship policy agenda, how will this crisis unfold?

We are at a critical moment. Ever more people are coming to the view that Net Zero is a terrible idea. But the government, with perhaps the weakest popular mandate in history, wants to hold on to it at all costs. This film will help to focus attention on the most crucial criticisms of the green agenda’s many failures, and to take them to a wider audience.

We need your support to help produce this film to the highest standards, and to ensure that no opportunity to expose the green agenda’s shortcomings are missed.

Check our the trailer for our film below.

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