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Is Wind Power “9 Times Cheaper Than Gas”?

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In the wake of the recent natural gas price crisis, politicians and campaigners have claimed that wind power is “nine times cheaper” than power produced from gas plants. The origin of the claim is the green-billionaire funded eco-propaganda blog, Carbon Brief, which published an article in July 2022 comparing wholesale electricity prices with “strike prices”… Read More »Is Wind Power “9 Times Cheaper Than Gas”?

Will Net Zero Reduce Domestic Energy Bills?

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Many politicians and activists claim that enforcing Net Zero compliance on households will ultimately reduce their energy bills. But retrofitting homes with insulation and heat pumps, and other “energy efficiency” measures is not cheap. According to the UK Parliament’s Environmental Audit Committee of MPs, the current government has significantly underestimated the costs of making homes… Read More »Will Net Zero Reduce Domestic Energy Bills?

Climate Modelling

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Climate models are computer simulations of the natural world. Scientists involved in creating these simulations believe that mathematical descriptions of the natural processes involved in climate can aid in the understanding of how global warming will develop in the future. However, attempts to simulate the climate in the past have produced significantly divergent results, which… Read More »Climate Modelling

Climate Feedbacks

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Feedbacks are processes that are themselves consequences of global warming, but which in turn influence the planet’s temperature. They are either positive feedbacks, which means they contribute more warming, or they are negative feedbacks, meaning that they cause cooling. Though this highly uncertain area of science is rarely discussed, it is one of the main… Read More »Climate Feedbacks

Global Temperature

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Global temperature is usually depicted as an anomaly — the difference between the temperature at any point in time and a baseline temperature, which is the average temperature of the world across a period of time. The temperature at any one time is calculated by processing all of the available weather data for that time,… Read More »Global Temperature

Greenhouse Gases

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Greenhouse gases are gases whose properties are said to be ‘heat-trapping’ — they absorb infrared energy and re-emit it, scattering it and thereby keeping it in the atmosphere rather than allowing its passage out to space. This heat-trapping phenomenon can be demonstrated in a laboratory, and is the most basic scientific premise of the climate… Read More »Greenhouse Gases

CO2 Emissions

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CO2 emissions are caused by the burning of any hydrocarbon fuel, from wood, through to coal oil and gas. The elimination of combustion of fossil fuels is the primary aim of both national and global policy. The mainstream belief is that manmade (anthropogenic) CO2 emissions explain the build of the gas in the atmosphere. However,… Read More »CO2 Emissions

Is Climate Change Killing People?

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Natural disasters are one of the least significant mortality risk factors in the world. But is the problem getting better or worse? There has clearly been a significant fall in the number of deaths caused by natural disasters, including extreme weather, over the 20th Century. The number of people killed by natural disasters today is… Read More »Is Climate Change Killing People?